Showing posts with label HelpPH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HelpPH. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Prayer for the Victims of Super Typhoon Yolanda

Almighty Father,

I believe that you are the source, maker and giver of life. All, tangible and intangible, we enjoy in this planet are coming from you. The simplest up to the most complex things are all works of Your Hand. I know that I am nothing without You.

I am not a perfect follower, disciple and son to You. I am not a saint. I am not perfect. I am a sinner. For being a sinner, I ask your mercy to forgive my imperfections and I’m trying to take up my cross and follow You. There are times I am not faithful to You but You have been always faithful to me and all of us. You are always there ready to accept and forgive.

I know that I am not a good example of a faithful believer but I know You welcome all kinds of people. You do not choose people. Your love is not exclusive but inclusive and embracing all of us. For this reason, You are my best way and all I have to do is ask in prayer.

Father, I pray for the victims of the recent super typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda. 

I am not going to make a discussion how Yolanda flourished. I believe that this is the effect of something obnoxious abuse of nature. I am praying for the victims. They are all weak and devastated. They need help.

Every time I see on the media the destruction Yolanda caused, I can’t help to feel so much pain, sadness and shed tears. Photos of the distorted buildings, uprooted trees, displaced posts and mud-covered streets and pathways break my heart.  But what pains me the most is whenever I witness loss of human life and suffering survivor.

Father, I pray for the survivors of this calamity that they will not lose hope. I want them to feel that they are not alone. I hope that they would feel that that there are many people who are willing to extend help. I hope that they may feel the care and concern from all of us who are doing the best way to share what we can. I want them to never give up on the innate goodness of their fellow men. 

Father, I pray for the survivors to keep the faith. To believe that their One mightier than this adversity is what will help them to continue on living. I pray that they could feel that You never deserted them but actually You are with them. You were never gone. I pray that they will find their strength in you.

Father, I pray for the survivors to be safe and to be healed. I want them to find solace in Your arms that there is a place where they can find comfort. I want them to be exempted from more harm that may come. They had enough. Moreover, I pray for those physically and emotionally wounded that they will be healed immediately. I want them that they’ll be able to face the world on a brighter perspective soon.

Father, I pray for those who were killed by the typhoon. Though their bodies here on earth are still mudded and already stinking, I know that their spiritual bodies will reach Your kingdom. They will find their place at Your side.

Father, I also pray for those who are safe to be grateful and generous. I pray that we will not stop helping and praying for the victims. I pray we will be united despite the differences in race, religion and belief.  This is the perfect time to show that love for our fellowmen is above all.

Yes, I am spared from the devastation. Yes, I am safe. Yes, I am able. And a strong yes, I can help. Let this prayer be one of the things I can possibly do. I believe You grant all prayers in the best way You know because Your divine power is stronger than any super typhoon. 

All these and more, I ask through Christ.


Visit the links and see the photos below to know on how to help the victims

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